How to Create an Effective Gig on Fiverr

Thursday 30 July 2020

How to Create an Effective Gig on Fiverr

Here are some tips for creating an effective gig in fiverr

A. Title & Tags

1. First select a Keyword on which you want to create a Gig
2. Then Search it in the fiverr search box and you need to make sure that the results are sorted by  "Relevance".
3. Now Open up the Top  five Gigs
4. Write down the titles of selected gigs in a notepad or Ms Word.
5. Write down the Tags by copying from all of the five gigs in notepad or Ms word as well
6. Notice what is the common thing/element in all of those Titles
7. Also do the sixth point for tags as well
(Shortlist five best/most used/common tags and common titles and you will get a shortlisted tags and Titles list)
8. After this you need to analyse them
9. When analysis is done, now carefully create a Title.
10. Select your category, sub category etc.
11. Now it comes to tags. Write the tags that we shortlisted above.

Click on Save & Continue. You are done on basic yet important phase.

B. Packages

1. Again search your Main Keyword on Fiverr.
2. This time make sure that the results are sorted by "BEST SELLING".
3. Open up 10 random Gigs from there.
4. Read their Packages thoroughly and carefully
5. Analyse what is the common thing in all of those packages
6. Add all those and extra (important)!
7. In short, Create Packages by looking at those gigs which are in Best Selling.

C.  Description 

Same goes for description as well but you can  create your own description like this

1. First line will contain your Main Keyword adjusted in a self-promotional type of sentence.
2. In New paragraph, you write what you will do basically - Very short answer and previous result of a project (that was done by far in best way by me).'
3. In a New paragraph, CALL TO ACTION! You ask a question and provide a path for buyer to reach you. It is very important.
4. Our working strucure - How we work and how your order flows in our pipeline + an irresistible offer.
5. Detailed explaination of service (key points in bullets)
6. Reasons that why should they choose to you?
7. And What will you get in the delivery?

8. Again a Call To Action (CTA). Description is done!

D. Images

For images, repeat what we did for Packages (B) and this time analyse the images. Think which kind of image is getting more clicks and why? Then create yours!

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